Armpit hair and Baby Names

So that’s a title you’d never thought you’d read, huh!

Monkey said the absolute funniest thing to me last weekend at breakfast. I was wearing a tank top, which I normally do as PJs, and was sitting with the girls while they were eating. I guess I stretched and put my hands behind my head. She stated at me in such shock, pointed and shouted “WHAT IS THAT!?” Of course, I panicked, thinking there was something gross on me. Nope.

“Sweetie, it’s my armpits.”

“Yes, but why is there black stuff on them!?” Look of complete horror.

“Sweetie, it’s hair. I just need to shave. I didn’t do it yesterday.”

“HAIR?!” Bursts into a fit of laughter.

“Why are you laughing at mommy! (I laugh) Why is that so funny!?”

“You have hair in your armpits!”

“Yup. Everyone does.”

“Nope. Not me. I will never have armpit hair!” Keeps laughing.

“Yes you will! When you’re big.”

Stare of you’re shittin’ me, mom; which is a combination of yeah freaking right, and how dare you say something like that. “Well, sweetie, I’m serious. Everyone gets hair. Lots of people shave armpits. Lots of people don’t. Mommy usually shaves her armpits.” Still staring at me.

Awesome. Yet she can’t wait for boobs. Sorry, “big nipples.” Sheesh.

Then came the conversation about baby names.

Yes. For HER babies. When she has some. SOME. Apparently, she will be having three. Dear lord.

Where does she come up with this stuff!?

And, no, I’m not having any more babies. How would I have time? With three unnamed grandchildren? And having to tend to shaving armpit hair?

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